- The paper mill “La Aurora, S.A.” is established operating in Naucalpan de Juárez, Estado de México.

- Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KCC) iniciates marketing of Kotex® pads and Kleenex® tissues in Mexico.

- KCC acquired 100% stake in paper mil Aurora, becoming Kimberly-Clark de México (KCM).

- KCM becomes a public company, listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange.

- The Orizaba Factory with a newfangled process of transformation of the extracted sugar cane bagasse pulp to be processed as for paper making starts operations.

- Kimberly-Clark de México, becomes a majority mexican capital Enterprise, ie, public investment is mostly mexican.

- The pre-fold KleenBebé® diaper is launched.

- The Bajío Factory and Cuautitlán Factory, latter known as PROSEDE, start operating. KCM starts selling the first diaper with elastic in the crotch in the mexican market.

- The first export sale is made.

- Sales exceed the equivalent of US 500 million.

- They begin to market institutional productos, which are personal hygiene products por restaurants, hospitals and hotels. The product portfolio indludes, toilet paper, hand towels, liquid soap and napkins, among others, also dispensers for each of them.

- The Ramos Arizpe Factory starts operations. Huggies® diaper is launched.

- The sales of the company exceed the equivalent od US 1,000 million.


- The Tlaxcala factory starts operating manufacturing diapers and nonwovens.

- KCM merges the entire integrated Industrial Company of San Cristobal, Mexican subsidiary of Scott® Paper group, acquiring, among other assets, productive factories of Ecatepec, Morelia, San Rafael and Texmelucan.

- The wet wipes production starts at the Tlaxcala factory, with KCC’s worldwide unique technology known as COFORM.

- KCM launches toilet paper Pétalo® Sensations, with technology ownd by KCC known as UCTAD.

- KCM disincorporated in favour of a third party business, (productive and intangible assets) of paper making for writing and printing on notebooks and sheets. With these businesses Scribe® Corporation, a KCM independent company is formed.

- The sales of the company exceed the equivalent of US 2, 000 million.


- Pétalo® brand 50th birthday.

- KCM acquires Diapro® and Biosan® brands from Hygienic Products, S.A. de C.V., to the adult diapers market, and several productive assets related with those brands.

- KCM acquires productive assets in Mexico from Georgia Pacific Tissue de México, S.A. de C.V. Company, integrating their operations in a factory in Toluca, Estado de México.

- In recognition to their performance as a sustainable and socially responsible company, the Mexican Stock Exchange selected KCM to serve on the Sustainable IPC.

- KCM acquires the Evenflo® company, adding to their businesses accessories for babies such as Sippy cups, pacifiers, bottles, and breast pumps, among others. The transaction includes the acquisition of the Evenflo® factory in Cuautitlán, Estado de México, and the distribution of strollers and baby seats in Mexico. Through Evenflo, Inc babies accessories are distributed and sold in US and Canada. The shareholders board approved to conduct a stock split, 3-1, on all shares of A and B series.

- KCM is ratified as part of the BMW Sustainable IPC.
- Through a business alliance with the French company Eugene Perma, KCM starts the distribution and sales in Mexico of Kéranove® hair dye. KCM is part of the sustainability Index of the Mexican Stock Exchange for the third year.

- In the San Juan del Rio plant the new project for the tissue paper production machine, Bajio #4, started working as planned during the second half of 2014, and with a lower investment than estimated. This new machine is equipped with cutting-edge technology that makes excellent use of water, thermal energy and GHG emissions.

- In November the new incontinence disposable underwear production machine began operations in our PROSEDE plant in Cuautitlan, State of Mexico. This machine is equipped with cutting-edge European technology to ensure customer satisfaction and improved product performance by temperature bonding and cross-direction assembly technology.

- During 2014 we put MEX $750 million of debt in exchange-traded bonds and US $250 million in global bonds for ten years with a fixed annual interest rate of 3.8%. We also paid a MEX $2,300 million debt.

- KCM ventures into the product category bar soap with the Kleenex® brand.

- The company achieved record net sales of $ 32,206 million pesos.

- KCM issued a credit of USD 250 million in global bonds 10 year under the rule 144 A with a fixed annual interest rate of 3.25 %. The CAPEX invested in expansion projects, innovation projects, operational productivity, cost reductions, environmental performance and safety amounted $1,318 million pesos.

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